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What's new?

Meteorbyte Studios announces Attrah

Pathfinder lead our clan! Explore dangerous primitive worlds with emergent narratives tailored by your actions. Guide your tribe through recurring ...

We’ll show you Attrah’s first rendered image!

In this week’s blog we’ll show you Attrah’s first rendered image! We’ll also briefly explain our development criteria for this ...

We discuss how we work on Attrah via increments and not Alphas and Betas

On this week's blog we discuss how we work on Attrah via increments and not Alphas and Betas, and our ...

Pathfinder keep the tribe safe!

  • You are the leader. Resources end, the tribe will have to move. Choose where the tribe settles next and keep your people safe!
  • The hunt is dangerous. Choose wisely the tribespeople you will lead on the next hunting trip. You might find unforeseen perils along the way…
  • The tribe hasn’t learned how to summon ATTRAH, the tribe can only nourish it, keep it alive. If ATTRAH perishes, the tribe dies…


  • Pass on the tribe’s story and knowledge to the next generation. Choose who leads your people once you can no longer continue.
  • Learn the benefits of painting words and number.


The moon, the stars, the winds, the trees… it all has to have a meaning. Can nature help the tribe, or will the tribe’s decisions enrage the spirits?


  • Should the tribe stay to itself or communicate, with the outside world?
  • Where is the tribe on the culture stone? The decisions the Pathfinder takes will have repercussions on how other tribespeople treat them.


There many types of tribes-people. Some seem to live comfortably in harsher, colder environments, while other communicate better.

Explore the world, develop your culture

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